Once i met a butterfly,
one with a rare beauty,
flapping its wings...
dancing around my head.
Coloring the light of the day,
adding beauty to the earth,
spreading happiness...
smiling always, and asking to smile back.
Attracted to its eternal bliss,
fascinated by its colorful essence,
pursued its path blindly...
because it made me feel ease.
Just met by fate,
became the best mate,
each day new stories...
and the time was melting.
Met many times of the day,
enraptured by its presence,
I breathed, time to stay still...
beauty always fluttered hurriedly.
Wishing to see the world around,
loving to fly with it,
in the gardens of flowers...
but lacked the wings of freedom.
Vanishes just like that,
without a word, but comes back,
collecting honey from flowers...
gifting me all the sweetness.
What makes it special to me,
is its adorable heart,
and smiling innocent face...
humming around always.
My time made us friends,
feeling so grateful for the time,
simply because it makes me happy...
never-minding its unpredictable nature.
As time passed, just like that,
it disappeared one day,
moments like we spent, never came...
another story to my memoirs.
Moving with the flow of life,
deep inside me, always,
cherished those moments together...
realizing how special and valuable it was.
one with a rare beauty,
flapping its wings...
dancing around my head.
Coloring the light of the day,
adding beauty to the earth,
spreading happiness...
smiling always, and asking to smile back.
Attracted to its eternal bliss,
fascinated by its colorful essence,
pursued its path blindly...
because it made me feel ease.
Just met by fate,
became the best mate,
each day new stories...
and the time was melting.
Met many times of the day,
enraptured by its presence,
I breathed, time to stay still...
beauty always fluttered hurriedly.
Wishing to see the world around,
loving to fly with it,
in the gardens of flowers...
but lacked the wings of freedom.
Vanishes just like that,
without a word, but comes back,
collecting honey from flowers...
gifting me all the sweetness.
What makes it special to me,
is its adorable heart,
and smiling innocent face...
humming around always.
My time made us friends,
feeling so grateful for the time,
simply because it makes me happy...
never-minding its unpredictable nature.
As time passed, just like that,
it disappeared one day,
moments like we spent, never came...
another story to my memoirs.
Moving with the flow of life,
deep inside me, always,
cherished those moments together...
realizing how special and valuable it was.
Some friends are like these butterflies. You spent beautiful moments with them, but they leaves one day coz they have to, in twist n turns of their life. We add those moments to our memoirs, and cherishes its sweetness in some part of our journey towards life. We still call them friends, coz they are still there as symbol of true friendship, cherishing the same memory.
So beautiful Nesi ....loved reading this....
thx bhavi :)
I'll pray to God to let u stay with all those beautiful butterflies.. Nice one.
AWESOME!!!! I luvvvvvvvvved it!!!
Luved teh poem! seriosly a master piece! :)
ohhh nessssiii... another frm u... superbbb...luvd readin it...
truly amazing piece of work to read..i loved wat u tried to potray in it...very thoughtfully themed...
very cute post this one...lovely!
@randeep- thnk u :) ... and stay as d same butterfly forever ...
@samra- master piece!!.. no way... nywys thnk u :)
@snow- thnk u dear..
@randeep- thnk u :) ... and stay as d same butterfly forever ...
@samra- master piece!!.. no way... nywys thnk u :)
@snow- thnk u dear..
@kenz- thnk u ... keep visitin :)
@muhammad- :)
@wajid- thx :)
@divsi- thx alot... keep visitin :):)
Good one re !!
well..!!u dnt kno much of me....but am in love wid de poem!!..u r too creative!!mashaallah!!keep up!!
@rms : thxxx .. keep visitin :)
@ramy : oo really ..thnk u lover of my poem!! ..am floatn in d air seein ur compliment ;)..thnk u!!
hehe...keep floatin...i am good at dis...polishin!!lol...
oops this poem was also about me :P
@randeep : :)
@ nesi
:) ;)
@randeep: r u gone mad?? :P
ya. I've been following your blog for a long time :p
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