1. Recognize the truth for what it really is.
Be open enough to accept that other people may be right. Examine your own beliefs in the light prejudice that might have been installed by your upbringing.
2. Learn by your mistakes.
There cannot be failures, there are only learning experiences.Feel blessed when things dont go right for you.You are being taught a valuable lesson.
3. Be grateful for the experience.
Everything happens for good. Be grateful with what you have.Everything you have done up to now has been leading you to this moment. Its upto you if you want to learn the lesson or go around the cycle again!
4. Study the lives of achievers.
There are so many people who have woken up to the reality of their own existence and serve as a beacon of light to all who follow after. Study their lives...for it can act as a shortcut to your own awakening!
5. Dont compare yourself with anyone else.
You are a unique creation. There is and will forever be only one person like you! Therefore, although you can learn from others, it is important that you realize that you are special. Don't waste the gift given to you by following everyone else.
6. Know that GOD is on your side.
The truth is that your attitude or belief acts a bit like a huge computer in the way that if you program negative things, negative things come out. However, if you put positive things in, you get positive things back. To GOD you ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. Start asking the right question and you will get the correct answer!